capitalisation after the hyphen in work title

Dear Zotero community,

I would like to mention a problem I encounter when I use zotero citations on MS Word. When I refer to a book title, such as "sicill-i osmani", the option is either to make it sentence-style: "Sicill-i osmani", or the title-style (which I prefer): "Sicill-I Osmani". Here is the problem, in the field I study, the letter after the hyphen should never be capitalised. So, the correct citation should be "Sicill-i Osmani" (because "i" is not a separate word but only a case). What can I do to make zotero not capitalise -exclusively- after a hyphen?
  • you can't easily. Problem is that hyphenated words (think "Well-Meaning Spectators") should typically be capitalized in title case.
    Your only current option is to enclose letter or words you don't want to see capitalized with <span class="nocase">word</span> in Zotero.
    Quite ugly, obviously, but it'll at least work.
  • Thank you for your answer. I have tried it and it works. No matter how -as you have put it- "ugly" it is, it will save me a great amount of work. Otherwise, I had to go through them all one by one (in the footnotes as well as in the bibliography) after my work was done; and even then, it would be problematic for future citation changes in the document since my changes involved intervention in a zotero cell. So, thank you very much; this was keeping my mind busy for some time.
  • "propachi-upper" plugin seems to solve this problem, as long as there comes only one letter after dash, AND there is another word after the dashed word.

    For instance, with the plug-in installed on zotero standalone version, the imaginary titles below appear on the word references as how I write them here:
    Sicill-u Turki
    Sicill-Ut Turki
  • That's on purpose and how capitalization is supposed to work in English (not 100% sure on the last one, but it's a borderline case). If you want to disable title casing for an item (as you typically would for non-English item) populate the language field of the item, in your case with "tr" (without the quotes) for Turkish. That way, citation styles won't change the capitalization at all.
  • Thank you very much. Actually, I have no problem with how the plug-in works currently. If there is one letter after the dash, it is normally a case, and should be written in small letter; and if it is more than one letter, it is a word, and should start with a capital. And the third scenario is indeed a borderline case; I have not encountered such a title yet. So, currently it fits my work perfectly. I wanted to note it down here, so if someone else has the same problem, they can solve it accordingly.

    And thanks for the language field tip, I did not know about it, and I am sure I will use it at times.
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