Child Notes, select on searches / toggle view

I absolutely adore Zotero ... forever.
Just wondering if I have missed something or perhaps there is a workaround about adding Notes.
I am mainly working in the client, but these things apply to both modes really.

This is about Child Notes.
If I search on a Tag, or on a term, I get the Child Notes which have the Tag, or containing the term – but I also get all the other, irrelevant Child Notes on their publications. The publication acts as a bundle – I can’t search on a Tag or term and select only the Notes which are relevant.
As numbers grow to handle up to 200 Notes on some publications I’m going to be swamped with irrelevant Child Notes on my searches.

Secondly I love the compact grid view of publications esp. in the client. I use it as a Timeline a lot, ordering it on publication year – showing all kinds of useful development patterns.
This too is going to be lost and swamped if I use Child Notes because as far as I can see, I cannot toggle expand/ contract on the Notes. Many entries will be bulked up enormously, making the list swell and clutter, when a lot of usage doesn’t need the Notes at all.

Again although Ive read the guide and tried using some test Notes maybe I'm missing things.
  • Actually I can't see how to refine search results so I get
    a) Only books b) only articles c) only theses
    d) Only Notes which match the search, with the parent publication.
  • 1) You're _seeing_ all child notes, but you're not _getting_ all child nodes. Only the notes that you actually search/filter for are at full contrast. Everything else is greyed out. Using ctrl+a, you can select only the hits.

    2) you can use the - and the + signs of your keyboard to collapse or expand all items in your center pane.

    Generally speaking, I'd maybe rethink a strategy that requires hundreds of individual notes per item. As you're experiencing, Zotero isn't well set up for that number of notes/item. Also, at some point this will affect performance.
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