How to use Saved Search

I've just run an advanced search. I was presented with the Advanced Search blank dialogue box and an empty sheet underneath ready to display returns. I filled in the dialogue box, pressed OK and underneath a lovely sheet of returns was displayed. All is good. There was also the option to 'Save Search'. This I did.
Immediately, the dialogue box and the returned data sadly disappeared.

Looking down the Collections panel - a new type of folder had appeared with the title of my Saved Search.
When I click on it, nothing happens.
When I double click it brings up my saved search dialogue box all filled in beautifully but there is no 'return sheet' underneath. I press OK and I expect to see my returns appear but nothing, the dialogue box just disappears.
I still get no returns.

So, what is the point of saved searches if it doesn't run the search again and give me the returns? Have I missed something really obvious?

Many thanks for help
  • The saved search should show you the exact same results you see in the dialog box.

    If that's not happening, can you provide screenshots that show the Advanced Search window before saving and the saved search? You can post them to a free file-sharing site (e.g., Dropbox, imgur) and provide a link here.

    A Report ID would also be helpful.
  • in case that's unclear: the saved search _is_ the new type of folder that appears. You click it, and the search results appear in the center panel as they do for a regular collection. Sometimes Saved Searches are referred to as "Virtual Folders/Collections" because of this.

    If that's not what's happening, see Dan's post above.
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