Saving to collection via the web clipper

Hi there,

Forgive me if this has already been asked but I'm using firefox and I would like to have a choice which collection to save to when I clip something from the web. Can I?

I used to use Zotero years and somehow slipped away to more well advertised things like Evernote but Zotero is just so much faster and accurate. I know it's not designed to do what Evernote is supposed to do but it oddly does it so much better. And now I am running Zandy on my phone and tablet so I can add and get at stuff on mobile to too. Bravo.
  • edited January 29, 2016
    The item is saved to the collection (and its library) you have selected in your Zotero window. That is, click the collection in your Zotero library and then click the icon in your browser to save an item - the item will be saved to the collection you have selected.
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