speed up zotero

Zotero is not really slow but my machine is.

So I think about which parameters of the environment could speedup Zotero.

- Is there a difference between Zotero in Firefox or Zotero-standalone?
- Maybe Zotero is faster with another browser (Chrome)
- ...?
  • The biggest thing you can do for speed up is to set the index for full text search (under search in the preferences) to 1.
    If you don't have a lot of tabs open in your browser typically, Standalone with Chrome likely outperforms Firefox with the add-on, but it's not going to be by a ton and mainly memory-related.
  • There are also the old standby's of turning off auto-sync (do it manually when you go for lunch, or to sleep, depending on how big your collection and slow your machine), and closing the tag browser.
    Personally I've found Firefox+Zotero to be the better choice than Chrome+Standalone on my office machine, which is very ancient indeed ;-(
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