Historical Publication Date

I have entirely made the switch to Zotero for my bibliographic management. I really enjoy using it and find it very elegant and easy to use. I do, however, have a question. I have tried to find an answer for a while and, not finding any, I decided that I would just ask the group.

I am interested in citing historical texts that have been re-published. The convention in my discipline (sociology) is that one cites the author's last name, followed by the original publication date in square brackets, followed by the publication date of the edition that one is using, e.g. (Marx [1867] 1967). Then, the bibliographic entry is as follows:
Marx, Karl. [1867] (1967). Capital: A Critique of Political Economy Vol. I. Edited by Frederick Engels. New York: International Publishers.

But, I did not know if there is a way to do this in Zotero. Any help (or reference to previous discussion that I was unable to find) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!
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