Incomplete Export
Hello all,
I would like to export my libary from Zotero as CSV (Western encoding) with notes, but there are missing some titles and or authors.
For example:
journalArticle 2008 Herz, Stefan ...missing title
journalArticle 2012 Eckert, Kai-Helmut ...missing title
journalArticle 2013 von Brauk, Stefan Zurückeroberung der Zukunft—Chancen agiler IT
book 2015 missing author ....
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops
book 2013 missing author ....Advances in Enterprise Engineering VII
book 2012 missing author ....
Analyse und Gestaltung leistungsfähiger IS-Architekturen
book 2016 Kröschel, Ivonne Architekturbasiertes IT-Alignment
book 2015 missing author ....Business Information Systems
Zotero has got all these informations in the program.
Can you help me with that challenge?
Thanks in advance,
I would like to export my libary from Zotero as CSV (Western encoding) with notes, but there are missing some titles and or authors.
For example:
journalArticle 2008 Herz, Stefan ...missing title
journalArticle 2012 Eckert, Kai-Helmut ...missing title
journalArticle 2013 von Brauk, Stefan Zurückeroberung der Zukunft—Chancen agiler IT
book 2015 missing author ....
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops
book 2013 missing author ....Advances in Enterprise Engineering VII
book 2012 missing author ....
Analyse und Gestaltung leistungsfähiger IS-Architekturen
book 2016 Kröschel, Ivonne Architekturbasiertes IT-Alignment
book 2015 missing author ....Business Information Systems
Zotero has got all these informations in the program.
Can you help me with that challenge?
Thanks in advance,
Do you get that info in other export formats (like bibtex)?
I exported the libary to bibtex and the data is complete. So with bibtex its working.
The textfile is also working.. Crazy.
Real world example: SafetyLit users can download a csv file of all 16000 journals with articles indexed in the database. Full information about the publisher, publication history, and other items is included. After we exceeded about 6000 records, a few years ago; we began receiving complaints about the csv file not importing properly into Excel or Calc. We found that we needed an option to export multiple individual files, each with no more than 5000 records for everyone to import the files without problems. While some can import the full 16000+ record csv file; most need to download separate files and stitch them together into one spreadsheet. The spreadsheet format file gives no problem. It is the csv import/conversion process that leads to missing and jumbled data.
Which export type do i have to choose, because there is no spreadsheet available.
I don't need 16000 journals and it would be awkward to search for the articles. I would loose a lot of time, if I would work like this.
So, there is no possibility to export the libaries to excel?
When you export the items above to .csv, the missing data _does_ appear in the file when you open it in a text editor like notepad, but not when you import it into Excel, correct? Could you export just one of those items to .csv and post what you get in the text editor to>create secret gist --> post the URL here?