Firefox syncing vs Zotero syncing

I sync Zotero items with my zotero account storage. I run Zotero on FF on both a laptop and a desktop. I have never used the Firefox syncing. Do people use both the zotero syncing of items and firefox syncing? I have already read that Firefox syncing...synchronizes "your bookmarks, history, tabs, passwords, add-ons, and preferences across all your devices"

I'm trying to avoid duplicative syncing... are there any issues or conflicts when running both syncs. Thank you:
  • edited January 10, 2016
    I sync Firefox across 3 Macs. I also use Zotero on those machines. The Zotero sync takes care of my Zotero library. The FF synch doesn't touch my Zotero library _contents_ it only affects FF itself. The FF sync is useful in that it makes FF on each of my machines look and feel exactly the same. A change on one machine will change FF on the other two. The FF and Zotero sync processes are completely separated from one another in performance and purpose. The two syncs do not overlap.
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