Add item by identifier on the web page
For when I'm working from an iPhone or my iPad, would it be possible to have the same magic-wand functionality on the web page?
Or is there already an equivalent to this (like the bookmarklet)?
Or is there already an equivalent to this (like the bookmarklet)?
I capture metadata when I'm using my tablet by: 1) entering the DOI string into the field at, 2) going to the item on the publisher's website; and 3) using the bookmarklet. The magic wand will obtain some of the metadata but almost never the abstract. The bookmarklet will usually capture the metadata and also the abstract. The only time I encounter this is when I copy a doi from a PDF document. Most other times the DOI is in the form of a link to where the bookmarklet may be successfully used.
I'm not aware of any plans to add add by identifier via the webpage, though I agree it'd be nice & I don't think it'd be terribly hard.