Industrial Relations/Relations industrielles: COiNS translator is variable

The COiNS translator is variable for downloading multiple articles of
the OA journal, Industrial Relations/Relations industrielle, available at Erudit. An example is Spring 1989,
...where you get the "translator issues" message if you click to download. v. 42, no. 2 (1987)and v. 41, no. 2 (1986) are other examples. What is the reason for this?
Thanks, Desmond.
  • It seems to be because of the way the ampersand in one of the titles (the article by Jean Sexton) is only HTML encoded. COinS processors assume that it is a field separator. This should be encoded using '%26'
  • Looks like you're right, since I see the ampersand in other volumes that won't download. Is there anything that I can do?
  • Other than asking them to fix it or using some other translator? Not that I can think of.
  • edited December 23, 2015
    added a ticket for a translator for the whole site:
    Seems like that'd be very much worthwhile.
  • Great! Thanks for your attention to this.

  • The ticket is resolved: There is now an Erudit translator allowing scraping multiples as well as fixing some minor issues with the metadata of individual items.
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