Customize "rename file from metadata"

As I previously used Zotero I know that there is some functionality to specify or change the way Zotero renames file from Metadata, e.g. change the default order year-title-author or similar to e.g. author_year.
But somehow I can't find this option anymore. Can someone tell me where this can be done?

Thanks a lot.
  • It's a hiddend preferences (the one at the top here: )
    or you can install&use Zotfile:
  • edited April 1, 2017
    Few ways:
    Go to Prefeences/Advanced/Miscellaneous click on about:config, search for "rename" and change CAREFULLY according to "hidden_preferences" rules above:
    - "extensions.zotero.attachmentRenameFormatString",
    I choose (w/o double quotes)= "{%c_(}{%y)_}{%t{50}}"

    If you have Zotfile installed, change also, respecting its own rules at Tools/Adons/Renaming Rules and modify you preference. I choose (w/o double quotes):
    - Use Zotero to rename = "no"
    - Format (both types & patent) as = {%a_(}{%y)_}{%t}
    - Delimiter betwer multiple authors = "+"
    - Replace blanks = "yes"
    - Truncate title afer = "yes"
    - Max lenght = "44" (choose yours, for me it works)
    - Max no. of authors = "1"
    - No. of authors to display = "1"
    - Add suffix = "_et_al."
    At General settings (w/o double quotes):
    - Subfolder defined by = "%a"
    - For some reason (link or URL ID probably) int the Zotero Group, folders aren't renamed to "%a"

    Hope it works for you.
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