PubMed: Year-end work problems should be mostly resolved

To anyone having problems with PubMed, it is not the fault of Zotero.

This is the time of year when the National Library of Medicine prepares for and makes changes to its data structure for PubMed and Medline. A regular search of the databases may temporarily return nothing or may return incomplete listings. The same may occur with Zotero's access through the NLM API.

Those of us who have licensed the Medline database receive warning notices of this. For example throughout the weekend, no new records have been indexed nor are they available to a textword search. The change to the 2016 DTD is made sometime on 15 December Eastern Standard Time. After tomorrow this will be quickly resolved.

I believe that, unlike some earlier years, there there are no changes to the PubMed xml dtd that will affect the Zotero translator.

During this maintenance period even a search for non-current items may intermittently return nothing. That type of unavailability usually will resolve itself quickly.
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