Collaborative Building of Reference Collections
The suggestion described here might make collaborative building of reference collections more interesting since the process would form a discussion or debate using quotes.
The possibility of a quotes discussion or debate might be implemented by allowing the Related link on a Note to be a directional link to one or more other Note(s) so that a Note containing a quote from a reference can be linked to other quotes which are a response to the first quote.
The possibility of a quotes discussion or debate might be implemented by allowing the Related link on a Note to be a directional link to one or more other Note(s) so that a Note containing a quote from a reference can be linked to other quotes which are a response to the first quote.
bibliografreeA non-profit organization for which I'm a volunteer is showing some interest in using Zotero to facilitate discussion between university students on placement and staff of the organization. I'm wondering if there is any part of the Zotero Discussion boards which talks about experiences of non-profits in using Zotero to create reference collections, for example, per my previous message above?