University of Toronto library catalogue - no longer supporting zotero

Hi there,

I don't know if this is something has to do on its end or if it's something at the zotero end but my university has recently revamped its online catalogue and while the new site has its advantages, the one thing I noticed immediately, is that I could no longer import books directly to zotero.

I reported that to the library tech people when the site was on its beta version but haven't heard anything back. It's too bad. Now I go to other online catalogues when I want to import something into zotero...
  • Has this problem with the University of Toronto library catalogue been resolved? I can't import books to Zotero. Is there another solution?
  • Try the "Old Catalog Interface" -- does it work for you?
  • Thank you! The "Old Catalogue Interface" works.
  • It appears that they have implemented unAPI, and it works:

    Unfortunately, Zotero isn't handing it correctly... I don't know yet why.
  • Is there anything I can do to help make progress on this issue? I am using zotero in a class this fall and would love to have this resolved. I'm iwlling to tlak to librarians and tech people here on site as well. Thanks,
  • It looks like they were working on an internal solution using unAPI, which is probably the most robust and reliable approach to supporting Zotero on a site. For some reason, the unAPI server isn't working correctly. If you have contacts in the library, please let them know that we'd be glad to help make their catalog work with Zotero if they are interested.
  • They've fixed it! thanks to everyone for nudging them. Please report problems if you find them!

  • There seems to be a problem (not sure if it has been from the beginning or not) - the books get imported fine but call numbers do not come through. Any ideas?
  • edited March 18, 2011
    They're using unAPI, which lets them point Zotero to the metadata for a given item without writing a special Zotero translator. The problem is that they're using RIS, which doesn't support call numbers. If they provided Zotero with MARC or MODS data, the call number would be included and Zotero should pick it up fine.
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