Word plug-in doesn't work when Zotero stand-alone is open.

My Zotero plug-in for word has for a long time now not worked when zotero stand-alone is open (I have both zotero stand-alone and the plug-in for firefox). The error message is: "Zotero experienced an error updating your document (intermediate value)[command] is not a function".

This problem started with some zotero-suggested update some months back, I've just been wishfully thinking it will at some point fix itself and not bothered to do anything about it, but it's getting to be a bit annoying... Any ideas on how to fix it?
  • Could you give us some more info:
    - version of both Zoteros (Standalone & Firefox)
    - Whether the error changes depending on which of the two you are running
    - whether the error also occurs in a new, otherwise empty document.

    If the answers to these are 4.0.28.x, yes, and yes (please still answer the questions explicitly to confirm), could you try reinstalling the Word add-on from the Cite tab of the Zotero preferences and try again?
  • Sorry about the undetailed question, and big thanks for your help.

    -version: Zotero standalone: 4.0.20; Zotero firefox:
    -the error occurs only if I am running the stand-alone.
    -the error also occurs in a new, otherwise empty document.

    About reinstalling, I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you mean by reinstalling from the cite tab? I have reinstalled the word add-on from the download site, and that did not help.
  • edited December 3, 2015
    Oh, and I just noticed, that for some reason I'm not quite sure of, the updates to the standalone haven't been automatic anymore (since it was only 4.0.20). When I try to update, it says "you do not have permission to install it". I wonder when that's changed, or if I've somehow done it myself..

    Was going to say I'll reinstall it from the download site but that tends to get the directories mixed up. Argh. the message say "To update automatically, modify the Zotero program directory to be writeable by your user account". Sorry again for a stupid question but what does this mean?
  • Yes, that'd be the problem then. You can select to run Zotero as administrator once to update it (right-click --> Run as...). To allow auto-updates without admin privileges (which is what you'd want), find where Zotero is stored in your programs (it'll be somewhere under "Program Files" or so) and give your regular user account write permissions for that folder (only the Zotero one). You can google how to change permissions for your operating systems -- it's going to be quite simple.
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