SOLVED: Firefox plug-in unable to add files because of "previous zotero error"


my firefox plug-in is not working. When I try to save a document to Zotero, the program alternatively says "unable to save file due to previous zotero error" or just "please restart firefox..." (although firefox continues to run fine, just Zotero doesn't.)

I have tried re-starting a number of times, and also re-installed the plug-in. The same happens. What might be the problem?
  • And I don't know whether the problem might be related to this other one of mine:
  • What's the version of your Zotero (under "About Zotero" in the gears/action menu)?

    It'd be good to know this both for Standalone and the Firefox add-on.

    Can you check whether the two share a data directory?
  • Ah, I was absolutely convinced I had checked the data directories, but there was the trouble: shared them now and this problem is solved. Thanks!

    The second one that I linked here still doesn't though!
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