Heinonline translator broken?

Earlier this week, Heinonline seems to have updated their page formatting, and it seems to have broken the site translator for Zotero. It's possible this a problem that has to do with my library's proxy, but things are still working for other sites through the same proxy. Can someone take a look at this?
  • The HeinOnline translator is almost fixed, but it still imports the last page of texts rather than the first. I couldn't find the translator in the github translators repository (https://github.com/zotero/translators) to try and see if I could fix this problem myself. Can someone take a look?
  • I'll try to look into problems with the HeinOnline translator this week.
  • Hmm. The COinS records give the last page as the value for "spage", which looks to be a bug at their end. I reckon that it will eventually be fixed, but we can adjust for the nonce by scraping the correct value displayed in the page. Working on it ...
  • It seems that individual records uniformly provide metadata as an RIS object, as well as a link to the PDF. I'm not sure if the RIS, in particular, is new, but that seems the way to go. I'll need to reconstruct part of the translator, but it'll be done this week.
  • edited February 22, 2016
    We have corrected the 'spage' error.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can provide to better assist you with this.
  • Thanks! I've done a round of revisions to the translator (still in draft as a pull request), to draw on the RIS for native HeinOnline content. It will fall back to COinS where RIS is not available. It seems to be working correctly, we'll see how it does in code review.
  • edited April 19, 2016
    @fbennett what are the next steps for the code review process? Is there anything we can do to help?
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