Abbreviated page ranges for locators within citations

To the development team,

First of all, thank you for such an amazing product!

A feature I would like to suggest is to make it possible for the program to abbreviate page ranges in citation locators based on the style sheet one is using.

In a current project using Chicago 16, I entered full page ranges in all of my citations in order to keep the data entry clean. Now, I will have to edit them manually to abbreviate them according to Chicago style.

Of course, I could have done this in the beginning if I had known, but I don't think that gets at the functionality question. If I change all the page locators and then need to render my document with a style sheet that requires full page ranges, I would again have to manually edit my citations. This undermines the flexibility that is built into the Zotero database itself, which has the ability to export abbreviated page ranges based on the style sheet.

I think this feature would be a significant improvement for many users.

Thanks again for your time,
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