Search-by-example Author case sensitivity titles within quotes

Is it that there are no styles in the style archive with author names in upper case or does the query process ignore case?

Earlier this year a student in one of my workshops (very basic, the workshop focus was avoiding unintentional plagiarism) asked me about a professor's demand that references follow APA 5 but with author names in upper case in the bibliography and

I just tried the style search with
ACCADIA, T; F ACRNESE; P AMICO; F ATONUCCI (2012). "Virgo: a laser interferometer to detect gravitational waves". Journal of Instrumentation, 7(3): 1234-1245.
and among the listed styles were none with upper case author names.

Am I doing something wrong? Today is the first time I have used that style finding utility.

Also, in a previous style search, I modified the default bibliography example only by placing double quotes around the journal article title. Only two of the returned styles had titles within quotes and those were near the end of the list.
  • I know small caps aren't included. Author casing could either not be included either or just be weighed as a single difference, don't know for sure.

    Quotes are included, but because the editor matches on percentages and quotes are just two characters, they aren't weighed very heavily.
  • Your reply is helpful as always.
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