More problems importing from Endnote

Curious if anyone has succeeded in navigating past the "no translator could be found for the given file" error message in converting files from Endnote X for MAC to Zotero. I've read through the conversation that aaronwilcher started on transitions to Endnote, below, and tried unsuccessfully to export the files using the RefMan (RIS) and BibText export options in Endnote (which seemed to be the two best options to resolve the issue stated in the thread below). In both cases I get the same error message from Zotero when I go to import.

Any suggestions much appreciated.
  • Can you try moving just a few references as a RIS file?

    If that fails can you post that shorter RIS file in this thread?
  • Yes, that works. The only thing that fails is the transfer of the "label" category in Endnote (it places these as a separate note under "notes" in Zotero). I don't imagine there's much I can do to correct this, but I'm pleased everything else works. I will export the remaining references, then, in small batches.

    Thanks for your help.
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