Using OneDrive or Dropbox with "Attach Link to File" schema

Questions about using Dropbox to store Zotero attachments have been asked before, but none (that I can find) specifically about my setup. The closest I could get is this:

Hopefully, I am not adding a redundant thread :)

In my setup, the PDFs are stored in My Documents and are attached to top level items using the "Attach Link to File" option. Thus, my PDFs or other attachments are NEVER inside the Zotero "Data Directory", which is at its default location in my Firefox profile. The only "attachments" in the Zotero folder are Notes. Further, I use the relative directory option in Preferences > Advanced > Files and Folders.

Q1. Can I move all my PDFs to a folder inside my OneDrive folder on my computer and set that as the new "Base directory"? I am hoping this way my PDFs will sync and get correctly linked on any computer where I setup OneDrive and Zotero (obviously, Zotero must be synced to my account and have base directory pointing to the OneDrive folder on that computer).

Q2. If the setup works, is there anything I lose compared to my current setup?

I am asking because in the past concerns have been raised about using Dropbox type services, but I think those concerns are primarily because the user is moving the Zotero database to Dropbox. For example:
  • This is the standard recommended set up to safely use Dropbox et al with Zotero and the principal reason the relative link option was created.
    This will all work without problems. Only thing to note is that you need to (in case that wasn't clear) set the base directory correctly on each synced computer.
  • @adamsmith, thanks and glad to know that.
  • Wondering if this "recommended set up" is covered in Zotero Documentation?

    Readers may want to also check out:
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