Custom style - need help to locale mistory extra page label in bibliography

Hi there.

I created a style for our dissertation series in the Visual CSL editor. All is fine exept that when I use the style in a word processor (LibreOffice and MS Word) an extra "p" turns up after the title in the bibliography.
When I open the CSL editor in Zotero I get the same result.
In the Visual CSL editor, however, I don't see the extra page label. (except for articles with the page variable present, and that's OK)

I can't see anything obvious when using a code editor. And I'm no good at editing the style without the Visual editor, that doesn't seem to reproduce the error that I need to correct.
Any and every type of help would be deepely appreciated
  • The code:
  • One more thing. This is a localized style, so the "p" is an "s", but if you remove the default locale, you get the same result as decribed above. Indicating that the page is not at set value but a variable, since it changes with the locale.
  • Seem to have found the error. An extra page label in the macro:locators, that I inherited from the style I used as a template. Still odd that the Visual CSL editor didn't reproduce the mistake
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