deactivate "subsequent"-citations for one category

Hello zotero-community

I use the Bluebook Law Review-style, and tried to deactivate the "subsequent"-citation-mode for the the category "legal_case".

I always want them to be cited as if it was a first citation (Hilton v. Guyot, 159 U.S. 113, 181 (1895)), instead of "Hilton v. Guyot, supra note 4" etc., because the official bluebook-style does not allow supra-cites for legal cases

Many thanks in advance!

I'm unfortunately very bad in zotero styles, so no idea if i'd have to insert this exception in the code below?

<else-if position="subsequent">
<text macro="author-short"/>
<text value="supra" font-style="italic" prefix=", "/>
<text value="note" prefix=" "/>
<text variable="first-reference-note-number" prefix=" "/>
<text macro="at_page"/>

Just in case, here is the entire code: for the complete style "Bluebook Law Review(2015-02-02 15:14:08)"
  • There's no very simple way to do this. The easiest way would be to just repeat case citations for subsequent. See e.g. how we do this in OSCOLA, which also has some hopefully helpful code comments:
  • Many thanks! I know that i'm perhaps asking too much, but which part exactly would I have to insert where or in place of which current definition...?
  • So the whole subsequent would be:
    <else-if position="subsequent">
    <if type="legal_case" match="any">
    <text macro="author" suffix=", "/>
    <text macro="source"/>
    <text macro="access" prefix=", "/>
    <text macro="author-short"/>
    <text value="supra" font-style="italic" prefix=", "/>
    <text value="note" prefix=" "/>
    <text variable="first-reference-note-number" prefix=" "/>
    <text macro="at_page"/>

    and you can fill in any other item types where it's now just "legal_case," i.e. it could be "legal_case bill legislation": you get the idea.

    The reason, btw. that the bluebook style is in such bad condition is that I, at least, recommend to all people who do legal writing to use juris-m (used to be MLZ), Zotero's sister project with a special focus on legal citation. That does produce proper bluebook, including abbreviations and all.
  • adamsmith, you are sooo kind! Many thanks, you saved me some dozens of hours of work!
  • Hi everyone
    I have the same problem as meiernik, except that I'm using the Chigaco Manual style and the particular category are newspaper articles.

    Would anyone be so kind to provide me with the code that I would have to insert in the editor? I'm not skilled at reading/understanding the skripts.

    Many thanks!

    --this is my first comment in a discussion forum, let me know if any crucial information is missing
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