Zotero failing to recognise citation imports

I'm not sure whether this is a consequence of changing the default folder for Zotero for my sources ( I can't see why it would be), but I'm having an issue with importing citations from my university catalogue for books. The browser plug-in for websites and JSTOR, however, is working fine. My university library will allow me to export records as Ref Woks, EndNoteWeb, EndNote, MARC, MARCXML, RDF, BibTeX and RIS. However, none of these work. If I import them to Zotero and then try and create a bibliography item it always brings up an error: 'Javascript Application: The items you have selected contain no references. Please select one or more references and try again.'

What am I doing wrong?
  • how are you importing those items into Zotero exactly? (you should be using "Import" under the gears/action menu). And what happens when you import them? And if you don't mind, could you link to the library catalog in question?
  • Ah thank you - yes that does work. Apologies for being slow. Many thanks.
  • Word plugin does not work, when included in the word insert a citation, shows me that zotero has had a failure in the update, review the problem could appreciate.
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