The tag identifying the document type "Report" is lacking in the RIS export files.

The tag identifying the document type "Report" is lacking in the RIS export files created with Zotero.
TY - RPRT is not in the text file.

The references to the reports introduced in Zotero exist well in the export file (.ris) generated by Zotero, but the first line with the document type is absent for all the reports. As a consequence these "Report" references are not recognised when importing them in another references management program.

This problem should probably be solved by correcting a few lines in the code of the RIS filters.

I use Zotero 1.0.0b3.r1 with firefox on Windows XP.

In advance, thank you very much for solving this problem.
  • Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. This problem is now fixed, and our RIS translator now supports all current Zotero item types.
This discussion has been closed.