Replacing a phantom reference in microsoft Word

I have a paper with over 250 citations. I noticed one of these (143) was not correct, but to a papaer's pdf, which is the same as that in the next reference (144), which is correct. Unfortunately, I can't find [143] anywhere in the text, nor can I find the reference in my standalone Zotero library. Therefore I can't remove it and replace it with a correct reference.

If I just delete it from the Bibliography list, it simply regenerates on the next refresh. I suppose I should use the modify library icon, but don't know what to do once it opens the modify library window.

Thanks for any help,

  • alt+F9 (potentially with FN on Mac) shows field codes in Word; I'd expect you to be able to find the phantom 143 somewhere between 142 and 144 after enabling that.
  • I did it and found the citation alright, but with the wrong number, 146. However I removed it and reran the bibliography setup and it worked! Thanks a lot!
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