Report ID 1207154677

I keep receiveing error messagfes whenever attempting to download references from ScienceDirect. I used to have Roboform but has now deactivated it and still getting the error messages.
Is there some other problem to look for ?

Thanks - Shahar
  • might be related to this:
    have you followed all the troubleshooting steps here?
    If so, and nothing helps, do post a sample URL and your system specs (OS, Firefox version, Zt version.)

    Science Direct is not universally broken, it works on my computer.
  • Please provide a URL.
  • The problem only occurs when looking at the TOC of the journal. Once I'm on an individual article, I can download it.
    Here is the problem URL -
    I'm using Zotero version 1.5-sync3.6 and Firefox 3.0.5. I don't have Realtime Player browser add-on installed.
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