Line breaks are lost in Reports, notes

Hi, and apologies for this no-doubt nth repeat of the question. But I have been trawling the forums, FAQ, even screenshots, and still can't find any resolution to the problem.

I'm in Zotero 1.0.9 on a Mac PB running OS X 10.4.11, using Firefox 2.0.

No matter how many line breaks/ paragraph breaks appear in what I type into Notes or c/p into the Abstract, but when I print a Report it's all run together. Which is hard to read - I might as well not bother archiving anything more than a few sentences. Also, it can't be pasted into anything I'm writing without manually reformatting the whole.

I see a few mentions of this in the Forums, e.g. here:
<i>"all the notes print as a single lumped mass of text without even any paragraph marks"</i>

But no resolutions. Can anyone tell me why my Reports don't preserve formatting as shown in your screenshots (e.g.:

For that matter, why don't my Notes appear in the shiny rich-text editor shown in the Start >> Notes description page (

What must I do to have formatting (at the very least, line breaks) that prints out in the same way as it appears in Zotero dialog boxes and on this website?

Thanks in advance!

I've used Zotero with much love for ref filing and searching since it came out. And the increasing bib style types are *almost* what I need for publications. But with no text-formatting ability in Notes and Reports, it has limited use for helping me write.

I have read a number of Forum discussions of styles, drag-and-drop, CWYW, etc., etc. etc. and most of it is so insider-jargon it fails at helping me expand my skillz with Zotero. I'd really like Zotero to be my BFF on organizing research - I have undergraduate students I'd like to recommend it to, but if I can't figure out how to use all these putative functionalities, I'm not much help to them. *g*

Thanks again,
  • No matter how many line breaks/ paragraph breaks appear in what I type into Notes or c/p into the Abstract, but when I print a Report it's all run together
    Upgrade to Firefox 3.
    For that matter, why don't my Notes appear in the shiny rich-text editor shown in the Start >> Notes description page
    Rich-text notes are only available in the upcoming 1.5 release, currently available only as a preview release.
  • Thanks! Will do / will await eagerly.
  • A follow-up and a question:

    1. Firefox 3.0 lets Zotero print lovely formatting! yayy, now I can start using Zotero as an actual research & paper-building tool. I only need to figure out the rather dense info on citations...

    2. Is it possible or indeed, logical, to note the requirement to be using Firefox 3.0 for printing formatted Reports and Notes on the Start pages describing them, and/or noting this significant difference on the homepage? The homepage currently says only that Zotero runs on "Firefox 2.0 or 3.0," and doesn't note this important difference in usability.

    Thanks again for your help and the brilliant Zotero!
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