Clicking the reference icon in address bar doesn't work

Hi, I'm searching the library at my university (University of Manitoba, and when a result shows up, in this case for an online pdf the blue book icon shows up telling me that zotero recognizes that there is information available. When I click the blue book icon an empty square shows up in the zotero task pane, it is outlined in red and entirely grey inside, and it appears below the words "No items selected".

I am using Firefox Version 3.0.5 on Debian, so technically I'm using Iceweasel version 3.0.5, and zotero version 1.0.9

The full address of the reference in question is:

I am not sure how to begin to troubleshoot this... if I have misconfigured something, if there is not a "translation" for this website - and if so if it is possible that I can add one? - or some other cause.

Thanks for the assistance.

EDIT: I've uploaded a screenshot that shows more clearly what I was trying to describe.

  • An updated version of the DRA library catalog translator that should work on individual reference pages is now available. Your copy of Zotero should auto-update within 24 hours, or you can update manually by clicking Update Now in the General pane of the Zotero prefs.

    It doesn't appear to work on search result pages on the site. We'll look into that.
  • Hi Dan,

    I manually updated as per your instructions and was able to import the reference succesfully. Thanks very much. I'd be interested in helping out improving the interaction between zotero and my university's site, if there is something I can do that is.

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