New category: standards
Dear Zoteroians,
I recently started using zotero and I am quite impressed!
I have two problems though:
- I need to cite standards (e.g. ISO 14001). A new category for stuff like that (like document / website / law) would be really helpful.
- I need to cite laws, which do not have an author. However, if I do not specify an author, I have an incorrect blank/space in the bibliography. However, I fear that is a problem of the style I chose.
thanks a lot
I recently started using zotero and I am quite impressed!
I have two problems though:
- I need to cite standards (e.g. ISO 14001). A new category for stuff like that (like document / website / law) would be really helpful.
- I need to cite laws, which do not have an author. However, if I do not specify an author, I have an incorrect blank/space in the bibliography. However, I fear that is a problem of the style I chose.
thanks a lot
And correct, your second issue is with the specific citation style. I believe mmooles e-mail may be in the citation style you're using, so you could try contacting him directly).
Can I do anything for helping with the Standard item type?
the suggestion of writing mmoole directly is a good one. The address already popped up :-) thanks though. I hope he/she can do sth about that annoying space.