Importing from google scholar

I think this is a feature request, correct me otherwise.

When browsing Google Scholar I am importing references using Zotero Connector. Zotero always downloads full text, which is a nice feature in general. However, when working on a literature review I am importing a lot of references. That quickly overloaded my storage quota.

It would be a nice option to be able disable fulltext download, e.g. via a tickmark in a small window that pops-up and let you select items to import.
  • You can disable to "Automatically attach associated PDFs and other files when saving items" in the preferences under the General Tab.
  • Thanks! I missed that. I can turn it off for a time being.

    It would be nice though to be able to change this settting when importing, not only globally...
  • the zutilo add-on has a keyboard toggle to switch this on a one-off basis on import:
  • Thanks. I'll have a look. Does Zutilo work with Zotero standalone?
  • in general yes, but import toggles likely won't.
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