Updating metadata to e-publications once they are printed

I've searched & found many questions to this.... which suggests there is no magic solution - but other must have found ways round it.

How do people cope with when they see a great publication "online first" and add it to their library but then when used later the citation will be out of date. e.g http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26400993

I would have thought it should be relatively trivial to search for references with missing page/volume numbers and then add them in tediously by hand (although I can't actually see how to search for blanks)

Generally the Pubmed ID is already known and available so in theory the whole process could be automated - but it sounds like this isn't allowed for some reason.

I have looked at hacking at zotero-storage-scanner to scan and add an epub tag, but has anyone already done this - or have an alternative solution?
  • edited October 10, 2015
    I would have thought it should be relatively trivial to search for references with missing page/volume numbers and then add them in tediously by hand (although I can't actually see how to search for blanks)
    Advanced Search, match all:
    Item Type -- is -- JournalTitle
    Page -- does not contain -- %

    Turn into a saved search and you can use that instead of an epub tag.
    You can also use volume instead.
    Generally the Pubmed ID is already known and available so in theory the whole process could be automated - but it sounds like this isn't allowed for some reason.
    generally planned. It's not "not allowed"--it's just not implemented. There's a non-trivial amount of things both on the code and on the GUI side that need to be done. aurimas mentioned that he is closer to this, but I don't know the current status.
  • Thanks! The saved searches work well - but highlight what an issue it is for me (>200 references that I'll need to update..)

    I can imagine creating a GUI for doing this must be very tricky - thanks for all the dev's work.

    In the mean time I'll experiment with trying to kludge together a scripting solution and update this thread for anyone else with the same issue.
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