What happens to files when storage is expired?

I recently purchased additional storage beyond the free 300 mb. My question now is, what happens to my files in a year from now at expiry if I choose not to renew my additional storage? Are they deleted? If so, which files are deleted?
  • Zotero will never delete your local copy of files.

    When your storage subscription expires, after a grace period (one month, I believe), Zotero will delete files that exceed your storage quota on the server. I'm not 100% sure about how it chooses the files to delete, though I'd assume it just takes the most recently uploaded ones.
  • OK, thanks.
  • I received this e-mail when I was in that situation last year:

    Hello, Storage for Zotero Subscriber!

    Your Collaborative Storage for Zotero subscription has expired. To renew your subscription, please visit your Zotero storage settings page (https://zotero.org/settings/storage).

    If your storage usage currently exceeds the free limit of 300 MB, your account is now locked. A locked account will not allow any syncing of new files. If you fail to renew within the next thirty days, stored files in excess of the free limit will be deleted, in accordance with our terms of service (http://www.digitalscholar.org/z_terms).

    To avoid any further interruption of service, please renew today!

    Best regards,
    Sean Takats
    Corporation for Digital Scholarship

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