Problem with selecting a style

I edited FEBS csl file to fit my requirements and installed it, but it doesn't work in word processors.
In both Word and Writer the style can't be selected, in Word it shows a VBA error.
I tested it on two different computers, using Zotero 1.0.9.
I'm affraid there could be some mistake in the file itself, made during editing, but can't find a way to check it. Can anyone tell me where is the problem?

The file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<style xmlns="" class="in-text" xml:lang="en">
<link href=""/>
<summary>Style for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences</summary>
<category term="numeric"/>
<category term="biology"/>
<macro name="editor">
<names variable="editor" prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter=", ">
<name and="text" initialize-with=". " delimiter=", " sort-separator=", " />
<label form="short" prefix=", " text-case="lowercase" suffix="."/>
<macro name="author">
<names variable="author">
<name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " initialize-with=". "
delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always" and="text" />
<label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)" text-case="lowercase"/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<text macro="title"/>
<macro name="title">
<if type="book">
<text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
<text variable="title"/>
<macro name="publisher">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text variable="publisher"/>
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<macro name="edition">
<if is-numeric="edition">
<group delimiter=" ">
<number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
<text term="edition" form="short" suffix="."/>
<text variable="edition"/>
<option name="collapse" value="citation-number"/>
<key variable="citation-number"/>
<layout prefix="[" suffix="]" delimiter=",">
<text variable="citation-number" />
<option name="hanging-indent" value="true"/>
<option name="entry-spacing" value="0"/>
<text variable="citation-number" suffix=" "/>
<text macro="author" suffix=" "/>
<date variable="issued" prefix="(" suffix=")">
<date-part name="year"/>
<if type="book">
<group suffix=".">
<text macro="title" prefix=" "/>
<text macro="edition" prefix=", "/>
<text macro="editor" prefix=" "/>
<text prefix=" " macro="publisher"/>
<else-if type="chapter">
<text macro="title" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
<group class="container" prefix=" " suffix=".">
<text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<text variable="container-title" prefix=" " font-style="italic"/>
<names variable="editor" prefix=" (" suffix=")," delimiter=", ">
<name name-as-sort-order="all" and="symbol" sort-separator=" " initialize-with=""/>
<label form="short" prefix=", " text-case="lowercase"/>
<group prefix=" " suffix="." delimiter=", ">
<text macro="edition"/>
<label variable="page" form="short" suffix=". "/>
<text variable="page" />
<text macro="publisher" prefix=" "/>
<group class="container" prefix=" " suffix=".">
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text variable="container-title" form="short" />
<group prefix=" ">
<text variable="volume" />
<group prefix=", ">
<text variable="page"/>
  • edited January 9, 2009
    I didn't check the style with a XML validator (which you could do yourself, see, so there may be additional issues with your style. Looking at it by eye I can tell you that you really have to give the style an ID. This is the string with which the style is identified by Zotero, so an empty ID-tag will confuse the program.
  • Thank you very much, adding ID-tag solved the problem.
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