Springer translator not finding pdfs for protocols

This seems to be limited to items listed as "protocols" on Springerlink, such as http://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1385/1-59259-742-4:3 or http://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007/978-1-4939-1441-8_26

The citation pulls in fine with snapshot, just no pdf. A couple of journal articles and book chapters I tried worked fine.
  • would you mind posting the URL for the corresponding PDFs here, too? I don't have access to these and without, Springer doesn't even diplay the URL.
  • Sure:


  • OK, I think we can at least try to implement a fallback solution for these cases (the issue is that Springer doesn't list the PDFs' url in the metadata on the page the way it does for other articles), but can't promise how quickly we'll get to that.
  • Understood. I appreciate you looking.
  • Also just noticed that the protocols do not pull in the book title, abstract, or page fields.
  • OK, this should now work, both in terms of getting the PDF and for getting the full data--book title, abstract and all.
  • Looks great to me; thanks so much!
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