Version update

Dumb question- is there a menu option to look for updates. Currently, the only way I know about updates is to go to the Zotero web site and check. Also, I am in charge of ~10 people using Zotero and it would be easier to keep everyone updated if there was a menu option or automatic update.

  • edited January 8, 2009
    In Firefox, go into the Tools menu and select Add-ons. In the Add-ons window, click the Find Updates-button. Note that Firefox is by default configured to notify the user if new versions of installed add-ons (such as Zotero) are available.
  • Is there any idea when the definite version of Zotero Sync will be published? The time line on the website about the development roadmap seems to be slightly outdated.
  • edited January 13, 2009
    nothing definite, the last from the dev team is "a broader public beta" release in the next few weeks:
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