"incert citation" with page numbers but without p. or pp.

I am using Openoffice 2.2 with Zotero 1.5 Sync Preview.

Is it possible to incert a citation from Zotero in Openoffice (using the zotero.oxt extension) with page numbers but without p. or pp.
e.g. Leick 2003, 4-6
and not
Leick 2003, pp. 4-6
I can manually delete the p. and pp. in the editor of the "incert citation" button, but I would prefer an automatic way.
  • That feature is controlled by the individual citation styles. Try looking for a style that better fits your needs.
  • I am trying to modify the "Harvard Reference Mode 1".

    I have ommited the p. and pp. in my csl

    but in OpenOffice, when I click on "incert citation" and then put some page numbers in the field "page" I stil get p. or pp...
  • Sorry:

    I am trying to modify the "Harvard Reference Mode 1".

    I have ommited the p. and pp. in my csl
  • Again, without the brackets:

    I am trying to modify the "Harvard Reference Mode 1".

    I have ommited the p. and pp. in my csl

    label variable="locator" suffix="." form="short"

    but in OpenOffice, when I click on "incert citation" and then put some page numbers in the field "page" I stil get p. or pp...
  • not sure what you mean with this:
    "I have ommited the p. and pp. in my csl

    label variable="locator" suffix="." form="short""

    but if you just delete that line from the csl you should get the desired result
    (afterwards, create a new style following the instructions e.g. here:
    http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/5104/modifying-word-plugin-using-journal-abbreviation-instead-of-publication-name/#Item_3 )

    I´m not happy, though, that the chrome panel and the plugin produce different results here. Why ist that so?
  • This solved it.
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