Shift-enter authors
Hi -
If I have an en existing entry with author(s), and I click in the first name box of an existing author, I cannot use shift-enter to add another author. The shift-enter trick only seems to work when I have just added a new author. Thanks.
If I have an en existing entry with author(s), and I click in the first name box of an existing author, I cannot use shift-enter to add another author. The shift-enter trick only seems to work when I have just added a new author. Thanks.
This is happening consistently. I probably didn't explain it correctly. Here is what happens:
Create a new item (a book, in this case). Enter a title. Hit tab. Enter Doe. Hit tab. Enter John. Hit enter. Click on "John". Type John. Hit Shift-enter. For me, this unselects "John" but does not create a new author.
Thanks for your help!
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008121622 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.5
Zotero 1.0.9
It appears to be fixed in 1.5, so this probably won't be fixed in 1.0.