Harvard - York St John University - new style

I have created a new citation style for York St John University Harvard. I have created an entry on GitHub, following the instructions on Guide to Submitting CSL Styles.

Will the style be uploaded to the Zotero Style repository - or are there other things I need to do? I contributed a different style a few years ago, but I forget the process involved.
  • We haven't received this as a submission on the CSL side of things--you're likely missing a step there. Once we accept the style for CSL, it'll show up on Zotero automatically.
  • Pull request is in place now #1696.
  • The automatic check failed because of a wrong file name.
    I am unable to find the original file to rename...
  • Is everything now in place to get the style added to the style repository? Or are there other things I still need to do?
  • Everything is fine and your style is up: https://www.zotero.org/styles/harvard-york-st-john-university . Thank you for your contribution.
  • That is brilliant.
    Thanks for your help.
  • This style has suddenly started to cause problems (it was working fine up until the latest release Bibliographies no longer have any author initials.

    I have been able to get the author initials back by removing 'givenname-disambiguation-rule="all-names-with-initials"' from:
    citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-year-suffix="true" disambiguate-add-names="true" disambiguate-add-givenname="true" givenname-disambiguation-rule="all-names-with-initials" name-as-sort-order="all" collapse="year"

    Before making any permanent changes to the style, I have some questions:

    Has this behaviour been caused by the latest update? (it was not happening just prior to 21st April when I was last using Zotero)
    Will editing the style as suggested above fix the problem or are there other potential problems as a result of the recent changes in Zotero?
    Will there be any other unwanted consequences as a result of removing this entry from the line?
  • There should be no relationship between that property and anything you see in the style. I'm seeing the same odd behavior, though -- @fbennett could you take a look? Let me know if you need anything else -- best I can tell this happens for any reference (with authors)
  • Must be a side effect of the fix introduced for collapsing a few weeks ago. This gives us a test for whatever broke. I'll add this to the list, and with luck come back within a day.
  • Here is the commit that broke things (from Oct. 31 last year, I guess it took awhile for the update to find its way into Zotero):

  • Aha. Here is the test that backs up the change above. As you can see, I misinterpreted the intended effect in the style:


    Reversing the Oct. 31 change causes exactly this single test to "fail." So if I revert the change to the code and the change to the result string in the test, all will be back to normal. Sorry about this one - it was my mistake.
  • The repaired processor is now available via the Propachi plugins. To restore correct behavior, install one of the plugins, and remove it when the next Zotero update comes out.
  • Thank you for such a quick response and solution to this - Zotero is working as expected again.
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