Option to omit "et-al"

Is it possible within a Style to omit the "et-al" from the in-text citation for multiple author references?

For example I would like the citation to read -

(Townsend 2000)

instead of -

(Townsend et al 2000)
  • I don't think so, unfortunately. At least I couldn't figure out a way to get csl to do that.
    Maybe Bruce can help.
  • edited January 8, 2009
    It's a bit messy, but you could do this by redefining the term "et al" as an empty string in your CSL style of interest by pasting the following code after the closing info-tag:
    <locale xml:lang="en">
    <term name="et-al"></term>
    You might have to fix some spacing issues though.
  • edited January 8, 2009
    The correct solution ATM is to create a new "no et al" variant of the style. The ideal solution is for Zotero (and other CSL implementations) to allow users to disable et al handling, since it's really awkward to have to create new styles for this.
  • edited January 8, 2009
    The ideal solution is ... to allow users to disable et al handling, since it's really awkward to have to create new styles for this.
    Why? It's a style-specific option, like to many other things that are defined in CSL. Furthermore, aren't these kind of options that are handled outside of CSL detrimental to the ability of users to share CSL styles in the expectation that they are rendered in the same way in different CSL-implementations?
  • You're right; I was confusing this with the "ibid" option.
  • edited April 1, 2009
    Using the solution proposed by Rintze, is it possible to customize other terms? For example, is it possible to get (author1 et author2) instead of (author1 and author2) being in the en-US locale?
  • Yes, in that case, use:
    <locale xml:lang="en">
    <term name="and">et</term>
  • Thanks’ Rintze, It works… but I have another question.

    I would like this style to be the same whether the locale is en-US or fr-FR. In both cases (or better: whatever the locale is) I would like to get
    - (Author1 et Author2) (and not "and" in en-US)
    - Author1 et al. (and not “et coll” in fr-FR)
    - In book1 (and not “Dans” in fr-FR)

    I have define the default-locale as en-US at the beginning of the style but I don,t know the usefulness of this command
  • edited April 1, 2009
    I have define the default-locale as en-US at the beginning of the style but I don,t know the usefulness of this command
    As noted in the documentation, this feature is not yet supported by Zotero. But a new CSL processor is in the works, which should have support for this default-locale setting, thus solving your problem. I don't know how far that is out, though.

    P.S. Of course! +1 for noksagt :)
  • I would like this style to be the same whether the locale is en-US or fr-FR.
    Presumably you can add two locale branches, one for xml:lang="en" and one for xml:lang="fr". I haven't looked in depth; it may be possible for a term to apply to all languages.
  • edited April 1, 2009
    Yes it works!

    <locale xml:lang="en">
    <term name="and">et</term>
    <locale xml:lang="fr">
    <term name="et-al">et al</term>
    <term name="in">in</term>
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