HOW to delete duplicates when they have the same date "added to"

Hi, I installed zotero on a new computer and imported the library. Before I had exported the library several times in order to save it. After importing them now, I have lots of duplicates -upto five from many items-. As i understand from other discussions one can:
"then create a saved search for "Date Added" "is after" <slightly before the duplication>. Open the saved search, select all (Ctrl/Cmd + A) and delete". Unfortunately my duplicates all show the same date. Does anybody have a idea, what to do?
  • You can sort items by Date Added instead. The different imports should have different times.
  • Hello Dan, that is what I tried, but I am afraid I will lose lots of data. Sometimes there are duplicates added 12:24:37 and again 3 seconds later. Another item was first added 12:26:30. So I do not know whether I should cut the early or late one, for not loosing something.
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