Changing citation style in a document (using OO plugin) causes error

So, not sure what to do about this - but I was using Chicago formatting and now, based on what I want to do next, need to instead use Harvard-style formatting. When I change the document settings to this format though, after a few seconds the Open Office My Macros & Dialogs.Zotero pops up with the following error:

"BASIC runtime error. An exception occurred Type: Message: this object is invalid"

on line 802 (which is oRange.text.insertTextContent(oRange, oField, true))

Is it not possible to switch styles after the fact? Any ideas?

  • You should be able to switch citation styles after the fact. Which version of the plugin and which version of Zotero are you using.
  • I'm not 100% sure this is right, but I remember having a similar problem and simply fixing it rebooting - you've probably tried that but just in case...
  • Mmm, rebooting hasn't fixed it. I'm using zotero 1.0.9, plugin version 1.0b4 and OpenOffice 3.
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