Better Highlighting of Selected Item in Zotero Standalone

I suggest making the selected item in the main list of Zotero Standalone more visually distinct - make it stand out!

I often find it hard to discern which item in the list of items I have selected, specifically when it's a note. In the list, the selected item is differentiated only by a slight difference in its shade of grey! Could it be made a bolder colour or bold text or white text on black background. Anything for clarity! TIA
  • Isn't that OS dependent? On Ubuntu, highlights are bright orange. I think they're a clearly visible blue on Mac -- but IIRC something less obvious on Windows?
  • Yeah, the gray isn't the most prominent on Windows.
  • Thanks Adam - I should clarify. I use Zotero Standalone on Ubuntu. Yes, initial selection does produce a highly visible orange highlight for the selected item in the list pane. However, once edits are commenced in the adjacent pane - e.g. typing of notes - the selected item in the list pane turns from orange highlight to grey highlight, in fact, a grey highlight not much different from every 2nd row of unselected items.
    I can't advise re differences in visualisation depending on OS, but I hope that a tweak regarding the visualisation of the selected item once focus shifts to another pane could be easily made to work across multiple OS such that the item being edited is still clearly differentiated.
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