Z Does not Recognise PubMed when logged in via University

Hallo I have the following problem:

Zotero does not recognise articles when I am logged in through university's connection: adres is like this: https://literatuur.amc.nl/http/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez (https://literatuur.amc.nl/ = is from universtiy). Through university I get access to full text articles. Whenever I log in to Pubmed through (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez) Zotero does not have a problem.

How can I help this?

  • I believe Zotero 1.5's advanced proxy support will support this type of URL scheme. I'm not positive of the details, but if you're using the Sync Preview, go to the Proxies pane of the Zotero prefs, click the + button, check Multi-Site, enter www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov as a Hostname and https://literatuur.amc.nl/http/%h/%p as the Scheme. Click OK, make sure "Transparently redirect requests..." is selected, and try loading a PubMed page.

    If that works, you can add additional hosts as necessary. "Automatically associate new hosts" may or may not work to auto-detect them.
  • Thanks it works! You guys are great with support!
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