"Notes" section reflects embedded comments

Zotero is the bomb, and this is easy to tell by the amount of people that instantly jump into it after using it for a bit of time, abandoning other library management softwares they are using.
There's, however, one section that is currently far from friendly and could use a revamp - the notes section. In addition to just make it easier to use and more slick, I think one feature that would be very welcome by many is the possiblity of the software somehow indexing the notes that the users are introducing in the text - that way the user could get a unified place for the comments written on a document, and also know what has been deemed relevant/suspicious from a text without explicitly openening it.

(Including a reference to highlitghts would be cool as well but not as urgent as this)

Thanks for your consideration!
  • are you talking about PDF annotations? Note that annotating PDFs has nothing to do with Zotero--you're doing that with the software of your choice.
    For making annotations indexed (by writing them to Zotero notes) have a look at www.zotfile.com
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