Moving between collection and file erasing

Hi there,
I've moved a reference between two collections and then deleted the original. After I did that, the copy had also disappeared (I checked that it had been copied).
I think this has happened a few times without me realizing. This is very annoying.
Can I give you more info to sort it out?

  • The only way in which this can happen is by deleting the copied reference, not from the original collection, but from your library. Right-click any reference in one of your collections and you see two distinct delete options: "Remove selected item" and "Delete selected item from library...". The first removes it only from the collection, the second deletes it from your library altogether.
  • ah, sorry for the stupid question. I was using keyboard shortcut (option-delete) instead of just delete. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  • related question: i deleted an entry from my library by mistake (learning curve!) -- is there a recycle bin or some way to recover a deleted item? TIA
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