arXiv translator not working, failing in utilities.js.

I observed the error in Report ID 1280665888 (see below) using both Firefox and Chrome when tried to add a paper from arXiv to Zotero Standalone. Thank you for the help!

[JavaScript Error: "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'length' in undefined"
{file: "chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/zotero/utilities.js" line: 1042}]
Zotero Connector for Chrome: 4.0.26
Zotero for Firefox:
Zotero Standalone:
  • you should update Zotero standalone for a start, though likely that won't fix it. Beyond that, we'd want a specific URL on arXiv where you're experiencing this, even if all/multiple fail.
  • I thought that was the latest version of Standalone, sorry, as I had not been prompted to update. Manually updating Standalone resolved the problem, though. Thank you!
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