Zotero works only when firefox and word run as administartor

I have installed (and re-installed several times) Zotero and the word plugin in a newly formatted win 10 pc.

Zotero is not available in Firefox unless I run firefox as administrator; similarly the word plugin does not appear in word 2013 unless I run that program as administrator.

Is there a solution?
  • what do you mean by "available"? It doesn't show up under the addons or it doesn't work?
  • It shows up in add ons, but the "Z" does not appear in Firefox task bar; in word, the "add ins" tab does not appear. When both Firefox and Word are run as administrator Zotero works properly
  • And you don't see the Zotero icon as an option when you right-click on the toolbar (I assume that's what you mean, there's no taskbar in Firefox) and click customize?

    What happens when you click on "Preferences" for Zotero in about:addons (i.e. the addons tab of Firefox)?
  • Yes, toolbar.

    Zotero icon appears when Firefox is run as an administrator, but not otherwise. Zotero does not appear in the list of extensions unless I run Firefox as an administrator. There is no Zotero icon in the customise page.

    As I said, if I log onto windows as an administartor (which I do NOT wish to do on a regular basis) Zotero behaves normally in Firefox and Word. If I log onto windows as a standard user, Zotero is not visible in Firefox and Word unless I run these programs as administrator: then Zotero behaves normally.

    So, does anyone know how to rectify this?
  • Zotero does not appear in the list of extensions unless I run Firefox as an administrator.
    that's different from what I understood you saying above ("It shows up in add ons"). Have you tried simply (re)installing Zotero while running Firefox as a regular user?
  • I have installed zotero several times. Yes, as a regular user.

    Initially it showed up in the add on list, but not now.

    Zotero was installed as a regular user; then uninstalled and installed as a regular user. It works only when Firefox or Word is run with elevated rights.

    On other Win 10 computers I have this does not happen.
  • If I understand you correctly now and you're saying that when you run Firefox, install the Zotero add-on from zotero.org/download, then restart Firefox (all with the same, non-administrator account) Zotero is not installed, that'd be a problem to be taken up with mozilla. Zotero will definitely install (and show up as installed) on Firefox.

    Easiest option would likely be a Firefox reset.

    I'm pretty sure running Firefox as administrator will just run it on a different profile, so that difference isn't all that surprising.
  • In non-administrative accounts programs can be run with elevated rights - i.e., run as administrator. So, running firefox with administrator rights is not the same as running in an the administrator profile.

    I know that Zotero SHOULD install and show up in Firefox and Word, BUT it doesn't.
  • The solution was to remove all add-ons, uninstall firefox, and start again.
  • I am having the same issue, but just with word. Any other option except reinstalling everything?
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