Crtl Down Not working

Since the new FF update on Windows I cannot use the shortcut key of CTRL Down Arrow to open the dialogue window when inserting or editing references.
Can I check if this is happening to everyone or just me, and how can I reset the shortcut?
Have uninstalled and reinstalled both Zotero and Word Plugin but still the same.
  • can you still open the dialog by clicking on the citation? I.e. is it just the shortcut that's broken?
  • Yes, the dialogue still opens on mouse left click, it's just the keyboard short cut that is disabled.
  • Just tested from my laptop which is also running Windows 10.
    The Crtl-Down doesn't work either.
    Neither does the CRtl-Alt-A to launch the macro - had to set a new short-cut key
    As a work around, is there a way to change the short-cut key for the Crtl-Down feature?
  • Thanks for reporting. Fixed now in the 4.0 Beta, and the fix will be included in the next release.
  • Thanks so much!
  • Just tested the Beta and it's all working. Thanks again. Can't believe how something as little as a hotkey can make such a difference.
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