Unusual/innovative citation styles
How well is Zotero equipped to handle the following cases?
- Put given names or their abbreviations in small-caps or in subscripts or superscripts, e.g. EinsteinA or AlbertEinstein.
- Line break before container/collection/journal/“In:”.
- Language-neutrality by use of symbols like ‘&’ or ‘+’ for ‘and’, ‘++’ or ‘…’ for ‘et al.’, ‘←’ or ‘↑’ for ‘ibid.’, ‘:’ for ‘page’, ‘@’ for ‘In:’, some emoji for editor, translator etc.
- Separate columns, e.g. with DOI/ISBN etc. in the right margin.
- Picture (book cover, author portrait, software icon, conference logo, screenshot) in bibliography entries.
- Automatic highlighting of the parts in bibliography entries that were used in their citations.
Examples for new lines include all styles that include annotated bibliographies--there's no style that does this before the publication/collection, but that's just because it's not done, not because it's impossible.
There's a fair amount of styles that use small caps for last names, e.g. https://www.zotero.org/styles?q=Die Bachelorarbeit (Samac et al.) (in-text, German)
and other font operations can be applied similarly, both on given and last names.
for language neutrality -- CSL allows you to define all terms, so that can easily be done. & for and already exists as a default and is used in countless styles.
Images to me is something that should happen in post-processing, we're certainly not going to put it into CSL. The last one I don't think I understand. To the degree that's what you mean, links between citations and bibliography may happen one way or the other, though--that's requested pretty frequently and makes a lot of sense to me.